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Writer's pictureSam


In honor of thanksgiving, it felt right that I should share some things I am thankful for. I think it is really good to reflect on your life and think of the positives. This should be something we do more than once a year ( some people don’t even do it during this time). So let’s all take a minute to think of 10 things you’re thankful for. Whether they are big or small, they definitely matter.

1. my mom and dad

This is major. Without them, I wouldn’t even exist and I wouldn’t exist like this. I wouldn’t have all the other things I am thankful for on this list. Words couldn’t even describe the thanks I have. It is endless.

2. my entire family continually supporting my life, career, and dreams

You guys rock my socks and you know it. Always there to give me advice. Always there to laugh with. Always there to celebrate the good times. Always there to lend a helping hand. Always there to scream sing songs. Always. There.

3. zack

Without you, life would be been a whole ‘nother type of crazy. Glad to be doing it with you.

4. cute little animals

Even on my worst day, a sad homecoming video or a funny dog video can send me into full-blown tears or laughing alone in my room.

5. the roof over my head

Extremely blessed and I know it. I plan on repaying my parents one day- that’s the plan anyway lol.

6. my ride or die friends

You guys have been by my side for yeeeears. For some of us, it’s been a decade (what the actual..). I love you guys so much. Always a good time and we always pick up where we left off, no matter the distance we have faced or days that have passed without talking.

7. my business partner mel

Without Mel I would have never started Glow Getter Collective! This is a wild ride and I am glad to be doing it with her! Also a notable mention to Markus Beigel for inspiring us to get shit going. He pushed us to be who we are, boss business ladies.

8. the internet and technology whew

I may be cheating by lumping such a HUGE category into one thing but like seriously, ya girl is thankful. I get to turn my passion into a job I can do from anywhere at any time, without the internet, who knows what I’d be doing.

9. the strangers turned friends who support me

It’s pretty crazy that you guys follow me and genuinely want to see what I will be up to next. Hopefully, I have made this journey worthwhile for you all hehe.

10. tacos

that shit is delicious

No matter how simple, you will realize how thankful you are. I hope this inspired you to think of things you are thankful for this holiday season! Happy almost Thanksgiving!

I love you guys so much! Let’s catch the wave always!


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