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Writer: SamSam

Pixar Fest is going on at Disneyland right now! Disneyland is anticipating the opening of their new Pixar Pier. The event started a couple weeks ago and doesn’t end until September 3, 2018, so you have plenty of time to plan your perfect trip. They have tons of exclusive treats and parades going on in honor of Pixar. For more specific information about the event head to the Disney Website.

So the whole reason I am making this blog post is that my brother, Eddie, and sister-in-law, Nicole, have passes and made a super detailed plan for their trip! My pass already expired so I can’t personally take you guys on the journey but I have faith in them making it happen👏🏼

Let’s start with the rides they want to get on! Keep in mind they can get into both parks so this plan is for those of you with a pass or park-hopper ticket☺ This is also the trip they planned without the kids!

Now for the boooooomb food that they wanna get to!💣 They aren’t messing around with this list, get ready…

There is sooooo much more but these are just a few of things they saw and felt like they had to have! With this change to Disney, a few classic places have changed names and decor!

Al Pastor Huarache $12.49

I hope this gave you guys a better idea of what you want to see and eat on your next Disney trip! Stay tuned! I actually have even more posts going up this week! In honor of Cinco de Mayo, get ready for some inspiration for your celebration this weekend! Be sure you are subscribed so you don’t miss out on my exclusive newsletters! Scroll to the bottom of the page, submit your name and e-mail. Confirm your e-mail and you’re set!


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