So a lot of the people I am wrapping gifts for might just be reading this post… hey 👋🏼. Luckily for them … or maybe unluckily, my gifts will be very anonymous and just blank boxes for the most part. I am not going to share who the gifts are for or anything cause my sneaky friends and fam might figure out what I got them, and that’s no fun.
This year I decided to go for a theme when wrapping my gifts. I saw all these cute pins on Pinterest about people wrapping gifts. So I thought I would share the wealth and make a blog post!
I have always loved wrapping gifts and when I was younger I would beg my mom to let me wrap my siblings and other family members gifts. I don’t know what created this obsession but I don’t mind it. More than anything I really love actually wrapping gifts like boxes. If I can get my gift in a box that’s ideal.

So of course, you need to start your journey with scissors, tape, paper, decorations and Christmas socks, duh.
With some gifts I will show you how I wrapped it step by step but some of them are just self explanatory or I will show you later on below.
I wasn’t planning on using any bows but this turned out SO cute. My mom also got this glittery tape last year in the dollar section at Target. She loved them last year so she got a ton more again. The blue and white tag looking thing on top is actually a gift 🤫
Okay, I’m not perfect at wrapping but I make it work. So for this one, the ends were a little too long so I had to cut a little off the edges. And wouldn’t ya know it worked out!
This paper was really cute and actually pretty easy to work with. The only issues was the shedding of glitter. I will say though that the glitter didn’t prevent it from taping. I remember last year I had a super stubborn paper that refused to tape, which just defeated the purpose of how cute it was. Luckily, that was not the case for this one 🙌🏼
So when I first wrapped this gift I was like uhm how the heck do you wrap a string around it all cute again. So I took a small break to look that up and it was ridiculously easy. I don’t know that I can put it in words just right but I will try.
So first you want to turn your gift upside down. Grab you string and place it under the gift. Leave enough string on both sides of the gift so it can wrap around. After that you bring the two strings across the box as if you are going around again. Then cross the strings to go in the opposite direction. Turn your gift back around and tie a bow.
So sorry if that made absolutely no sense but just trust me it is super easy. Just look it up on Google and an old video should show up with a lady wrapping a gift on Youtube.
So this gift is literally a piece of paper. I had some scraps leftover and I like to make use of everything I can. Taped it all together and added some string and tucked some tree in there. I cut some extra long pieces off the back of my tree and made good use of it. Don’t worry there isn’t a crazy bald spot, you literally couldn’t even tell lol.

Don’t worry this was not my tree after. Also this blogger made a post updating her fake tree! This is her before.
When I tell you I love wrapping and basically refuse to use bags..I meant it. I wrapped something ROUND. I was so dedicated to the cause. It wasn’t a total fail but not my best work either lol.
I wrapped this gift a little differently. I brought the longer sides in first and then ended up with cute triangles on the sides.
This one is perfectly square so I had some fun wrapping. I ended up with a cute design because of the stripes. I then added more string and greenery.
This one I decided to double up on the string. Then I added the greenery and put it with the gift that goes with it.
All my gifts finally wrapped and put together. I wont lie, I wrapped my gifts over a few different days. I like to wrap as I get the gifts.

I wrapped this sucker and I was pretty dang proud so here you have it. Another very odd shape but I wanted to make it cute and make them take one more step to see what they got.
I hope you guy enjoyed this post! I had tons of fun making it! See ya next week!! It’s seriously already Christmas, what on earth! Whatever you do try and go to the mall during the week, NOT the weekend. I repeat, avoid the malls this weekend!
Let’s catch the wave!